17/03/2016: Don Green teaching 3-days experimental workshop in Zurich
I'm happy to welcome Don Green (Columbia University) to the University of Zurich for a 20-hours workshop marathon on field experiments. Thanks to the Department of Political Science for the generous support. Below are some impressions from the first and second day. The workshop is open to UZH and ETH graduate students, visitors, as well as Policy Lab participants.
30/11/2015: How can you do an experiment when you don’t have a huge grant?
Check out Andy Egger's brief blog entry that also quotes some of my experiences doing field experiments as a grad student: http://andy.egge.rs/blog/
16/09/2015: Giordano Neuenschwander and Cedric Cohen present their BA-theses at City Port Campus
Congratulations to Giordano Neuenschwander and Cedric Cohen whose excellent BA theses were chosen by the Political Science Department to be included in the poster presentation accompanying the 2015 graduation ceremony. Well done to both of you!
11/09/2015: Policy Lab @ EPOP 2015 in Cardiff
12/09/2015: Florian Foos: "Can Constituency Campaigns Affect Vote Intentions? Experimental Evidence from the Southampton Itchen Campaign Laboratory."
13.30 – 15.00: Panel Session 5.2
11/09/2015: Florian Foos, Kevin Cunningham and Peter John: "How Issue Ownership Shapes Campaign Effects: A Field Experiment in the 2014 UK Elections." (click to view presentation)
11.00 – 12.30: Panel Session 8.1
Please come along!
03/09/2015: Policy Lab @ APSA 2015 in San Francisco
04/09/2015: Florian Foos, Lyubomir Kostadinov, Nikolay Marinov and Frank Schimmelfennig: "Does Social Media Promote Civic Activism? A Field Experiment." (click to view presentation)
14:30-16.00pm, Nikko, Mendocino I
05/09/2015: Josh Carpenter and Florian Foos: "Mobilizing for Medicaid: A Randomized Field Experiment Testing Pocketbook Versus Sociotropic Campaign Appeals."(click to view presentation)
8:00-9.45, Parc 55, Powel II
Please come along!